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Child Welfare Modernization

The Department of Children and Families is embarking on a journey to modernize the technology used by child welfare professionals. Many recent efforts, including the 2019 CPI Efficiencies Workgroup, identified a need to provide more modern technology that supports the mobility of the workforce and introduces efficiencies into the process, not additional burdens. The Florida Safe Families Network is tightly integrated with, and therefore dependent upon, older technology and this limits the ability to access FSFN through many mobile devices or tablets. The child welfare system needed technology that can respond more efficiently, effectively, and rapidly to changes placed on operational staff and can support the mobile child welfare worker. Utilizing more modern technology will allow for a more efficient, effective, and economical support of the child welfare workforce.

Phase I of the Child Welfare Modernization project delivers Child Protective Investigators a modern mobile ready application that integrates directly with the FSFN. The system allows CPIs to access investigations in the field and document investigative activities on their mobile device.