Substance Use Disorder Licensing and Regulation
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Licensure functions are implemented by staff of the Office of Licensing at the local levels throughout the state. The provision of substance abuse services is governed by Chapters 394 and 397 of the Florida Statutes, which provide direction for a continuum of community-based services including prevention, treatment, and detoxification services.
Licensure Services are required to administer and maintain a comprehensive regulatory process to license service providers and professionals who provide substance abuse services to individuals and families who are at risk of or challenged by substance abuse. This licensure process is governed and regulated by Chapter 397, F.S., and Chapter 65D-30, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Minimum standards for licensure are specified for the following program components:
- Addictions receiving facilities
- Day or night treatment
- Day or night treatment with community housing
- Detoxification
- Intensive inpatient treatment
- Intensive outpatient treatment
- Medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorders
- Outpatient treatment
- Residential treatment
- Intervention
- Prevention
- Aftercare
Specific criteria must be met in order for an agency to receive a license for any of these program components.
The Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Methadone Medication-Assisted Treatment Needs Assessment can be found here:
Licensure Requirements
- Rule 65D-30, F.A.C.
Provider Licensure and Designations System (PLADS)
The PLADS system provides a portal for providers to electronically register and apply to provide services for Substance Use Disorder Licensing components and Receiving Facility Designation. The goal of this portal is to facilitate a central location where providers can manage all of the documentation required by law to receive licenses to provide state regulated services. By maintaining this documentation in a central location, it will simplify the process of applying for components in the future. The PLADS system is a central location where providers can check on the status of their licenses, track inspections and respond to corrective action plans.
For more information on PLADS please contact your local Substance Use Disorder Licensing Office.
- Existing Provider Login
- Begin the provider registration process
- Submit a complaint
Licensure Application Checklists
Credentialing Entities Currently Approved by the Department
- The Florida Certification Board
- Certified Recovery Residence Administrator (CRRA) - The Certified Recovery Residence Administrator is responsible for the overall management of a recovery residence, including oversight of staff, volunteers, and residents.
- The Florida Association of Recovery Residences, Inc.
Licensure Fees
Contact Information
Substance Abuse Provider Dashboard