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Program Type (Who Needs to be Screened) Statutory Reference Child Abuse and Neglect Checks Out of State Criminal History State and National Criminal History Review Additional Permanent Disqualifying Offenses
Child Care
Child care facility, family day care home, child enrichment service provider, or volunteers that assist over 10 hours a month.
402.302 (Federal Requirement)
Child Placement
Family Foster home, residential child caring agency, child placing agency, volunteers that assist over 10 hours a month.
Summer Camps
Summer or recreation camp owners, operators, employees, or volunteers that assist over 10 hours a month.
Mental Health
Employees within mental health facilities and employees', directors, professional clinicians, staff members and volunteers assist over 10 hours a month.
Substance Use Disorders
All owners, directors, and chief financial officers of service providers, or personnel who have direct contact with children receiving services or with adults who are developmentally disabled. A volunteer who assists on an intermittent basis that totals 40 or more hours per month.
Peer Specialists
Persons, or a family member of a person, who have been in recovery from a substance use disorder or mental illness for at least 2 years
Recovery Residences
Residential dwelling unit, the community housing component of a licensed day or night treatment facility with community housing, or other form of group housing, that provides a peer-supported, alcohol-free, and drug-free living environment.
Recovery Residence Administrators
Person responsible for overall management of the recovery residence, including, but not limited to, the supervision of residents and staff employed by, or volunteering for, the residence. Requires certification.

*Only for Residential Group Home owners, operators, and employees

Criminal histories must be evaluated to determine if the applicant has any specified offenses prohibited under any provision of state law or similar law of another jurisdiction. This would include out of state and federal offenses. In accordance with section 435.04, F.S. for level 2 background screenings, if an applicant has been arrested for and is awaiting final disposition of, has been found guilty of, regardless of adjudication, or entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty to, or has been adjudicated delinquent and the record has not been sealed or expunged for any specified offense, then he or she is not eligible to work with children or vulnerable populations. If additional information is required of the applicant to determine eligibility, the applicant has 30 days to submit it to the Department as outlined in s. 435.05, F.S.