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Circuit 13 Resources

Caregiver Behavioral Supports

Caring for Children from Hard Places - Family Strengthening Education and Post-Placement Support Services for foster, adoptive, relative, and non-relative caregivers. Provided through Finally Home Christian Adoption Services

Family Stabilization and Preservation Services (Camelot Community Care) - Provides Master’s level therapists who can respond to a crisis situation within 4, 24 or 72 hours of a call, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Sylvia Thomas Center - Offers information, advocacy, referrals and general family support while their Adoptive Excellence program offers parenting training, professional workshops and adoption certification training.

Resources by Age Group

Ages 0 to 5

A Quality Checklist for Evaluating Early Learning Programs

Bay Area Early Steps Program

Board of County Commissioners Head Start

Child Care Eligibility by Permanency Type

Child Care Inspection Reports

Child Care Resource and Referral Online Intake

Common Early Education Issues and Solutions for Children in Care

Considerations Before Changing Child Care Placement

Dependency-Specific Insert for A Quality Checklist for Evaluating Early Learning Programs

Developmental Screening Schedule

Diagram of the Early Education System for Dependent Children in Hillsborough County

Early Education - How To Guide

Early Education JRSSR Questions - Fillable PDF 2018

Early Education - Attorney Questions for Addendum

Early Education - Proposed Judicial Findings

Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County

Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start Locations

Hillsborough County Public School Head Start

QCFK Program-Wide Positive Behavior Support Child Care Sites

Quality Child Care Handout for Caregivers and Parents

Quality Child Care Handout for Case Managers

Quality Early Education (Video)

School Readiness (Child Care) Foster Parent Requirements and Procedures

School Readiness (Child Care) Program Locations

School Readiness (Child Care) Program Forms

School Readiness (Child Care) Program Provider Transfer Flyer

The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Development

Vroom: Free App and Newsletter to help Promote Child Development

Understanding Your Early Education Options for 0 - 5 Year Old Children in Care

VPK Information

Young Child Safety Checklist

Circuit 13's Unaccompanied Immigrant Children Committee

Hillsborough County Resource Guide

in English | en Español

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