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Substance Abuse Prevention

Substance Abuse Prevention is a proactive, comprehensive system that is designed to preclude, forestall, or impede the development of substance abuse problems, primarily for youth. This is best accomplished through the use of ongoing strategies such as increasing public awareness and education, community-based processes and evidence-based practices.

In recent years, prevention efforts have shifted more to the local and county levels, giving individual communities the opportunity to identify their own unique prevention needs and develop action plans in response.  Local communities participate in community needs assessments, strategic planning, goal-setting, data-driven evaluation, social marketing, mass media, technology, resource sharing, economic impact, community-level education and continuous quality improvement. Having a sharper community focus allows prevention strategies to have a greater impact locally and statewide on behavioral change by shifting social, cultural and community environments.

Substance Abuse Prevention benefits the health and safety of Florida's citizens by affecting long-lasting, positive change among youth and adults at risk for use, abuse, misuse and addiction.

SAMH Managing Entities, With DCF Regions and Circuits - Map

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Prevention Grant-Funded Programs

Florida Partnership for Success
Helps communities reduce underage drinking and substance abuse-related problems through a public health approach to creating community-wide change.

Prevention Partnership Grants (PPG)
Competitively awarded prevention funds used for evidence-based programs, practices or strategies.

Partnership & Collaborative Efforts

Prevention Partners- A list of agencies in Florida working together to help in prevention efforts

Prevention Coalitions - A downloadable (pdf) list of all Florida's current Anti-Drug Coalitions

Data and Reporting

A listing of data, reports, policies related to Mental Health and Substance Abuse prevention.

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