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General Documents Incorporated by Reference

1. CBC Adoption Incentivized Performance Standards Report 
2. CBC Authority and Requirements Reference Guide - 8/2016 
3. CBC Definitions of Terms - 6/1/2012 (corrected) 
4. CBC Expiration/Termination Transition Planning Requirements 
5. CBC Information System Requirements 
6. CBC Performance Measures Methodology Document 
7. CBC Progressive Intervention and Program Improvement 
8. CBC Subcontracting Guidelines
      a. Version 9/12/2005
      b. Version 10/26/2012
9. Child Access and Visitation Local Service Provider Survey:
      a. Sections A, B, C and D
      b. Section D Worksheet
      c. Addendum to State Access and Visitation Federal Grant Provider Survey
10. Customer Service and Customer Support Protocols for Adoption 
11. Guidance Document for Use of 100806 Funds 
12. Appendices for (Purchase of Therapeutic Services for Children), 12/2019
      a. 100806 Appendix A Eligibility Form
      b. 100806 Appendix B Supporting Documentation Guide
      c. 100806 Appendix C Semi Annual Report
13. Guidelines for the Release of Children's Records 
14. Independant Living Surveys:
      a. Independent Living - My Services Florida Questions Ages 13 14
      b. Independent Living - My Services Florida Questions Ages 15 16
      c. Independent Living - My Services Florida Questions Ages 17
15. Lead Agency Property Inventory and Disposition Report 
16. Lead Agency Tangible Personal Property Requirements 
17. Adoption of the Attestation Model for Family Foster Home Licensing 
18. Licensing Attestation for Foster Home Licensure Form 
19. Licensing Standards Checklist for 24 Hour Family Care 
20. Pre service and In service Training for Child Welfare Professionals 
21. Application for License to Provide Out of Home Care for Dependent Children 
22. Promoting Safe and Stable Families Narrative and Data Summary
      a. Version 6/2011
      b. Version 7/2013
      c. Version 6/2014
23. Quality Assurance 
24. Quality Assurance Child Welfare Quality Improvement Plan 
25. Quality Assurance "Windows Into Practice The Regional Quality Assurance Model" 
26. Title IV E Training Report Instructions and Form
       a. Instructions - 5/2020
       b. Form - 5/2020
27. Suitability for Residential Placement Guidelines 
28. 90 Day Assessment of Suitability of a Child for Residential Treatment 
29. 90 Day Suitability Review OSS Form 
30. 60 Day Review Referral Form 
31. Initial Referral for Assessment of Suitability of a Child for Residential Treatment 
32. Reconsideration of Assessment of Suitability of a Child for Residential Treatment 
33. Reconsideration of Qualified Evaluator (QE) Recommendation 
34. Department of Children and Families Guidance Document Re: Integration Planning 
35. Department of Children and Families Guidance Document Re: Integration Position 
36. DCF Definition of Administrative Costs for Child Welfare Lead Agencies (CBC) 
37. DCF Disclosure Form 5328 
38. DCF Disclosure Form 5328S 
39. Ethical Complaint Process & Form 
40. Partnership Plan for Children in Out of Home Care 
41. Florida's Health Care Oversight and Coordination Plan 
42. Child Access and Visitation Grant Monthly Match Funds Report