1. CBC Adoption Incentivized Performance Standards Report | |
2. CBC Authority and Requirements Reference Guide - 8/2016 | |
3. CBC Definitions of Terms - 6/1/2012 (corrected) | |
4. CBC Expiration/Termination Transition Planning Requirements | |
5. CBC Information System Requirements | |
6. CBC Performance Measures Methodology Document | |
7. CBC Progressive Intervention and Program Improvement | |
8. CBC Subcontracting Guidelines a. Version 9/12/2005 b. Version 10/26/2012 | |
9. Child Access and Visitation Local Service Provider Survey: a. Sections A, B, C and D b. Section D Worksheet c. Addendum to State Access and Visitation Federal Grant Provider Survey | |
10. Customer Service and Customer Support Protocols for Adoption | |
11. Guidance Document for Use of 100806 Funds | |
12. Appendices for (Purchase of Therapeutic Services for Children), 12/2019 a. 100806 Appendix A Eligibility Form b. 100806 Appendix B Supporting Documentation Guide c. 100806 Appendix C Semi Annual Report | |
13. Guidelines for the Release of Children's Records | |
14. Independant Living Surveys: a. Independent Living - My Services Florida Questions Ages 13 14 b. Independent Living - My Services Florida Questions Ages 15 16 c. Independent Living - My Services Florida Questions Ages 17 | |
15. Lead Agency Property Inventory and Disposition Report | |
16. Lead Agency Tangible Personal Property Requirements | |
17. Adoption of the Attestation Model for Family Foster Home Licensing | |
18. Licensing Attestation for Foster Home Licensure Form | |
19. Licensing Standards Checklist for 24 Hour Family Care | |
20. Pre service and In service Training for Child Welfare Professionals | |
21. Application for License to Provide Out of Home Care for Dependent Children | |
22. Promoting Safe and Stable Families Narrative and Data Summary a. Version 6/2011 b. Version 7/2013 c. Version 6/2014 | |
23. Quality Assurance | |
24. Quality Assurance Child Welfare Quality Improvement Plan | |
25. Quality Assurance "Windows Into Practice The Regional Quality Assurance Model" | |
26. Title IV E Training Report Instructions and Form a. Instructions - 5/2020 b. Form - 5/2020 | |
27. Suitability for Residential Placement Guidelines | |
28. 90 Day Assessment of Suitability of a Child for Residential Treatment | |
29. 90 Day Suitability Review OSS Form | |
30. 60 Day Review Referral Form | |
31. Initial Referral for Assessment of Suitability of a Child for Residential Treatment | |
32. Reconsideration of Assessment of Suitability of a Child for Residential Treatment | |
33. Reconsideration of Qualified Evaluator (QE) Recommendation | |
34. Department of Children and Families Guidance Document Re: Integration Planning | |
35. Department of Children and Families Guidance Document Re: Integration Position | |
36. DCF Definition of Administrative Costs for Child Welfare Lead Agencies (CBC) | |
37. DCF Disclosure Form 5328 | |
38. DCF Disclosure Form 5328S | |
39. Ethical Complaint Process & Form | |
40. Partnership Plan for Children in Out of Home Care | |
41. Florida's Health Care Oversight and Coordination Plan | |
42. Child Access and Visitation Grant Monthly Match Funds Report | |