Supervising For Excellence Curriculum
- Day 1 - Part 1: Supervisor as Self - Topics: From Practitioner to Supervisor | Working with Others | Culminating Project (Introduction)
- Day 2 - Part 1: Supervisor as Self - Topics: Rethinking Supervision | Building Resilience | Culminating Project- Leadership and Workshop
- Day 3 - Part 1: Supervisor as Self - Topics: Listening Skills | Use of Power | Time Management | Making Meetings Work | Culminating Project- Project Proposals
- Day 4 - Part 2: Building a Highly Functional Team - Topics: Managing a Multigenerational Workforce | Supervisor as Educator | Situational Leadership
- Day 5 - Part 2: Building a Highly Functional Team - Topics: Setting Expectations | Providing Feedback | Rewards, Recognition, Retention | Culminating Project - Progress Reports
- Day 6 - Part 2: Building a Highly Functional Team - Topics: Mentoring Through Qualitative Discussion | Team Discussion
- Day 7 - Part 3: Supervisor as the Critical Link - Topics: Conflict Management | Team Building | Culminating Project - Presentations
- Day 8 - Part Three: Supervisor as the Critical Link - Topics: Federal and State Outcomes | The Regional Quality Assurance Model | Ethics in Supervision | Culminating Project - Presentations
- Day 9 - Part Three: Supervisor as the Critical Link - Topics: Supervisor as Change Manager | Project Presentations | Leadership Panel/Peer Consultation & Action Planning
Trainer Guides
- Day 1 - Part One: Self as Supervisor - Topics: From Practitioner to Supervisor | Working with Others (MBTI)
- Day 2 - Part 1: Supervisor as Self - Topics: Rethinking Supervision | Building Resilience | Culminating Project Introduction with Leadership
- Day 3 - Part One: Self as Supervisor - Topics: Listening Skills | Use of Power | Time Management | Making Meetings Work | Culminating Projects - Project Proposals
- Day 4 - Part Two: Building a Highly Functional Team - Topics: Managing a Multi-generational Workforce | Supervisor as Educator | Situational Leadership
- Day 5 - Part Two: Building a Highly Functional Team - Topics: Setting Expectations | Providing Feedback | Rewards, Recognition, Retention | Culminating Project-Progress Reports
- Day 6 - Part Two: Building a Highly Functional Team - Topics: Mentoring Through Qualitative Discussion | Team Discussion
- Day 7 - Part Three: Supervisor as the Critical Link - Topics: Conflict Management | Team Building | Project Presentations
- Day 8 - Part Three: Supervisor as the Critical Link - Topics: Federal and State Outcomes | The Regional Quality Assurance Model | Ethics in Supervision | Project Presentations
- Day 9 - Part Three: Supervisor as the Critical Link - Topics: Supervisor as Change Manager | Project Presentations | Leadership Panel/ Peer Consultation & Action Planning
PowerPoint Slides
- Day 1 Slides - Part 1: Supervisor as Self
- Day 2 Slides - Part 1: Supervisor as Self
- Day 3 Slides - Part 1: Supervisor as Self
- Day 4 Slides - Part 2: Building a Highly Functional Team
- Day 5 Slides - Part 2: Building a Highly Functional Team
- Day 6 Slides - Part 2: Building a Highly Functional Team
- Day 7 Slides - Part Three: Supervisor as the Critical Link
- Day 8 Slides - Part Three: Supervisor as the Critical Link
- Day 9 Slides - Part Three: Supervisor as the Critical Link