Course Training Announcements
To enroll in any of the courses below please login to the training portal
Stay Compliant with the Top Ten Violations (SCTT)
The Department of Children and Families Office of Child Care Regulation is offering a new online course, Stay Compliant with the Top Ten Violations. The goal of the course is to identify the most common violations present in child care programs in Florida, and strategies for achieving and maintaining compliance. Upon completion of this course, child care professionals will be able to:
- Recognize the importance of compliance with licensing standards
- Identify strategies for maintaining a safe and healthy environment with licensing standards
- Choose record keeping strategies for compliance with licensing standards
- Describe the process for reviewing and updating policies and procedures to meet licensing standards
For this three-hour course, 0.3 CEUs may be earned.
Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Sensory Processing Disorder (UAS)
The Department of Children and Families Office of Child Care Regulation is offering a new online course, Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Sensory Processing Disorder. The goal of the course is to help early childhood educators understand these conditions and identify their early signs. It will also explain how to include children who have them. Upon completion of this course, child care professionals will be able to:
- Explain attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Describe how ADHD impacts children
- Explain sensory processing disorder
- Describe how SPD impacts children
- Explain how to support children with ADHD and SPD in early learning environments
For this three-hour course, 0.3 CEUs may be earned.
Healthy Habits for Quality Child Care (HHCC)
The Department of Children and Families Office of Child Care Regulation is offering a new online course, Healthy Habits for Quality Child Care. The goal of the course is to provide child care professionals with procedures to use to identify and establish healthy habits in themselves, children, and families. Upon completion of this course, child care professionals will be able to:
- Recognize indicators of physical, mental, and social-emotional health
- Recognize procedures to establish habits
- Identify methods to encourage personal growth through positive daily habits
For this three-hour course, 0.3 CEUs may be earned.
Developmentally Appropriate Classroom Management (DACM)
The Department of Children and Families Office of Child Care Regulation is offering a new online course, Developmentally Appropriate Classroom Management. The goal of the course is to present program standards, professional competencies, and examples of research – and evidence-based best practices related to creating receptive, responsive, respectful, and reciprocal relationships with enrolled families. Upon completion of this course, child care professionals will be able to:
- Provide examples of professional competencies related to building relationships with families
- List indicators of quality relationships between the program and the families it serves
- Describe the elements of a family engagement plan
For this two-hour course, 0.2 CEUs may be earned.
Building Relationships with Families (BRWF)
The Department of Children and Families Office of Child Care Regulation is offering a new online course, Building Relationships with Families. The goal of the course is to present program standards, professional competencies, and examples of research – and evidence-based best practices related to creating receptive, responsive, respectful, and reciprocal relationships with enrolled families. Upon completion of this course, child care professionals will be able to:
- Provide examples of professional competencies related to building relationships with families
- List indicators of quality relationships between the program and the families it serves
- Describe the elements of a family engagement plan
For this two-hour course, 0.2 CEUs may be earned.
Coping with Emergencies in Child Care Programs (CWE)
The Department of Children and Families Office of Child Care Regulation is offering a new online course, Coping with Emergencies in Child Care Programs. The goal of the course is to help child care providers cope with emergencies and situations they may face in the child care setting. Upon completion of this course, child care progressions will be able to:
- Describe the procedures for emergencies in a child care program
- Describe the procedures used during emergencies requiring evacuations to ensure the safety of everyone in the child care program
- Describe the techniques used during emergencies requiring the shelter-in-place and lock done procedures to ensure the safety of everyone in the child care program
- Identify and describe coping techniques that are useful when helping children who are struggling with and overcoming difficulties following a disaster, emergency, or personal loss
For this two-hour course, 0.2 CEUs may be earned.
Large Family Child Care Home Operators Course (OLFC)
The Department of Children and Families Office of Child Care Regulation is offering a new online course, Operating a Large Family Child Care Home. The goals of the course are to highlight the differences between operating a large family child care home and a family day care home, and to prepare child care professionals for operating a large family child care home. Upon completion of this course, child care professionals will be able to:
- Define large family child care home terminology
- Identify the laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to large family child care homes
- Describe business practices related to opening a large family child care home
For this five-hour course, 0.5 CEUs may be earned.
Opening a Child Care Facility Course (OPENF)
The Department of Children and Families Office of Child Care Regulation is offering a new online course, Opening a Child Care Facility. The goal of the course is to provide important information and knowledge necessary for individuals interested in opening a child care facility in compliance with the requirements mandated by the Florida rules and regulations. Upon completion of this course, child care professionals will be able to:
- Summarize the types of services child care programs provide
- Describe the responsibilities of a program director
- Analyze the need for a child care program in your area and which services are needed
- Establish goals and a guiding philosophy for your child care program
- Identify the operational requirements of opening a child care facility
- Develop finance and budget management plans for the program
- Identify elements of program structure that need to be developed
For this three-hour course, 0.3 CEUs may be earned (if this course is taken in the Training and Registry Portal).
Safety in Child Care Programs Course (SCCP)
The Department of Children and Families Office of Child Care Regulation is offering a new online course, Safety in Child Care Programs. The goal of the course is to provide strategies for child care professionals to use to ensure children are safe when participating in out-of-home care. Upon completion of the course, child care professionals will be able to:
- Explain why safety is a priority in quality care
- Identify strategies to use to maintain safety in child care related to general requirements
- Describe strategies to use to ensure a safe physical environment
- Summarize strategies for record keeping
For this four-hour course, .04 CEUs may be earned.
Opening a Family Child Care Home Program (OPENH)
The Department of Children and Families Office of Child Care Regulation is offering a new online course, Opening a Family Child Care Home Program. The goal of this course is to provide individuals with an overview of opening a family child care home program in Florida. Upon completion of this course, child care professionals will be able to:
- Describe the responsibilities of a family child care provider
- Analyze the need for a family child care home in your area and what services are needed
- Establish goals and a guiding philosophy for your family child care home
- Identify the operational requirements of opening a family child care home
- Develop finance and budget management plans for the program
- Identify elements of program structure that need to be developed that may cause delays in the development of literacy
For this three-hour course, 0.3 CEUs may be earned (if this course is taken in the Training and Registry Portal).
Supporting Literacy in School-Age Programs (SLSA)
The Department of Children and Families Office of Child Care Regulation is offering a new online course, Supporting Literacy in School-Age Programs. The goal of this course is to prepare out-of-school time (OST) practitioners to foster the development of reading and writing in school-age children, and to identify and address risk factors for delays in literacy in order to mitigate or prevent future illiteracy. Upon completion of this course, child care professionals will be able to:
- Describe the developmental process related to literacy and the implications on school-age children
- Explain how the development of literacy can be supported in various components of school-age programs
- Name the characteristics of effective literacy initiatives in school-age programs
- Relate best practices in implementing literacy curricula throughout the components of school-age programs
- Identify risk factors that may cause delays in the development of literacy
Additionally, 0.5 CEUs may be earned for completing this five-hour course.
Trauma-Informed Care for Child Care Program Directors (TICD)
Trauma-Informed Care for Child Care Professionals (TICC)
The goal of this 5-hour online course is to provide child care professionals with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to handle the impacts of traumatic events on the children and families they serve. For this 5-hour course, 0.5 CEUs may be earned.
Trauma-Informed Care for Child Care Program Directors (TICD)
The goal of this 40-hour instructor-led course is to assist child care programs in implementing trauma-informed care for families they serve. This multi-session course requires the completion of outside assignments and readings. Upon completion, child care program directors will form a community of practice to address the principles of trauma-informed care, supports necessary to work with child care personnel and families, and the importance of self-care. For this 40-hour course, 4.0 CEUs may be earned. This course can be used to meet the Florida Director Credential Renewal requirements.
Trauma-Informed Care for Child Care Program Directors -Hybrid (TICDHI)
The goal of this 40-hour hybrid course is to assist child care programs in implementing trauma-informed care for the families they serve. Offered in a hybrid learning environment of both online and instructor-led sessions, this multi-session course requires the completion of outside assignments and readings. Upon completion, child care program directors will form a community of practice to address the principles of trauma-informed care, supports necessary to work with child care personnel and families, and the importance of self-care. For this 40-hour course, 4.0 CEUs may be earned. This course can be used to meet the Florida Director Credential Renewal requirements.
Note: Enrollment in this course is a multi-step process. You must login to your student training account, select “Instructor Led Courses Enroll” in your Personal Menu, and search for the TICD Hybrid Instructor Led (TICDHI) course. Students may need to check back as this course is not always available. Student can check with their local TCA to inquire about upcoming offerings. Once the TICDHI course has been paid for, the online portion of the course (TICDH) will populate in your student account under “Online Courses Enroll” as an “In-service” option.
Trauma-Informed Care for Child Care Program Director Credential Endorsement

To earn the endorsement, you must successfully complete:
- Florida Director Credential
- TICC: Online 5-hour DCF Trauma-Informed Care for Child Care Professionals (0.5 CEUs available)
You must also complete one of the following courses:
- TICD: Instructor-led 40-hour DCF Trauma-Informed Care for Child Care Program Directors
(4.0 CEUs available)
- TICDHI: Hybrid 40-hour DCF Trauma-Informed Care for Child Care Program Directors
(4.0 CEUs available)
Achieving and Maintaining Quality in Afterschool Programs (AMAP)
The Department of Children and Families Office of Child Care Regulation is offering an updated course to provide child care professionals who work in afterschool programs with the tools they need to assess their program and plan for continual improvement to achieve quality. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Explain the relationship between standards, self-assessment, and program improvement plans in enhancing the quality of care
- Describe how to conduct a program assessment using The Quality Self-Assessment & Improvement Guide's assessment tool
- Explain how to apply Florida Afterschool Network's standards to the literacy components of afterschool programs
- Demonstrate the ability to create a program improvement plan
Individuals who have completed the School-Age Program Quality Standards and Self-Assessment or Standards for Quality Afterschool Programs and Quality Self-Assessment and Improvement for Afterschool Programs to meet introductory training requirements do not have to retake the course and their existing certificates will remain on their child care training transcript. However, individuals may choose to take the new course to earn CEUs or in-service credit.
Trauma-Informed Care for Child Care Professionals
The Department of Children and Families Office of Child Care Regulation is offering a new 5-hour course, which provides child care professionals with an overview of the impact of trauma on children and families and how to incorporate learning strategies to decrease stress in the classroom.
- Identify age-related signs of stress and trauma in children
- Describe the role caregivers play in promoting connections and buffering the effects of adversity
- Identify how stress and trauma can negatively impact the cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physical development of young children
- Identify resources and strategies to use to provide trauma-informed care
Implementing the Florida Standards in Early Learning Classrooms: Birth to Kindergarten
This five-hour course is offered for $10 and 0.5 CEUs will be awarded upon successful completion of the course.
This course is based on the newly revised Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards and provides an overview of the standards used in early childhood classrooms serving children ages birth to Kindergarten. Examples of developmentally appropriate instructional strategies for children are provided throughout the training along with information about purposeful planning, reflective practice and qualities of an effective educator.
Implementing the Florida Standards in the Infant and Toddler Classrooms: Birth through 2 Years Old
This five-hour course is offered for $10 and 0.5 CEUs will be awarded upon successful completion of the course.
This course is based on the newly revised Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards and provides an overview of the standards used in infant and toddler classrooms serving children ages birth through two years old. Examples of developmentally appropriate instructional strategies for children are provided throughout the training along with information about purposeful planning, reflective practice and qualities of an effective educator.
Implementing the Florida Standards in the Preschool Classrooms: 3 Years Old to Kindergarten
This five-hour course is offered for $10 and 0.5 CEUs will be awarded upon successful completion of the course.
This course is based on the newly revised Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards and provides an overview of the standards used in preschool classrooms serving children ages three years old to Kindergarten. Examples of developmentally appropriate instructional strategies for preschool age children are provided throughout the training along with information about purposeful planning, reflective practice and qualities of an effective educator. Either the online or instructor-led course will meet the VPK Instructor and VPK Director Credential training requirements.