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About Investigations

The OIG receives various types of complaints and reports. How we handle each one depends on the information provided. Some can be resolved promptly, while others are more serious in nature and require full investigation.

Complaints and reports may be sent to the OIG via mail, fax, e-mail, or online and are received by the Investigations Section Intake Unit, which ensures that the OIG has all of the information needed. Each complaint and report is reviewed to determine the most appropriate method to handle the issues raised. Here are some examples of how they may be handled:

  • Sent to the program area for review and handling;
  • Sent to the program area for review and response to the OIG; or
  • Opened for investigation or management review

When a complaint or report is opened as an investigation or management review, it is assigned to one of our field office investigators. The investigator will contact the complainant to obtain any necessary additional information. The investigator obtains and reviews all pertinent documentation and interviews witnesses and will interview the subject of the investigation at the conclusion of all other investigative work. The investigator will then write the Investigative Report, which is reviewed and approved by the Inspector General. Please refer to our FAQ section for additional information.

Some investigations are closed right away, but others may take longer. The law [§20.055(7)(e), F.S.,] requires that certain individuals be provided the opportunity to review and comment on the report before is it complete. In addition, if the OIG has determined that a crime may have been committed, we are required to coordinate with the appropriate law enforcement agency [§20.055(7)(c), F.S.,].

Upon completion of all required steps in the investigation, the investigation is closed and the Investigative Report will become public record and published on the OIG website. However, until an investigation is complete, all investigative information is confidential and cannot be provided to complainants, witnesses, subjects, or most other interested individuals.

Office of Inspector General Complaints

Complaints and reports may be sent to the OIG via mail, e-mail, or submission of a web complaint. Complaints are received by the Investigations Section Intake Unit.

File an Inspector General Complaint